Are New Year’s Resolutions a complete hoax?
The statistics for failed resolutions are a whopping 90%, so one would be inclined to think that setting a New Year’s resolution does not work. Why is that?
1. They are often vague (I am going to start exercising, lose weight, eat better, work less).
2. They lack urgency. Unless you dive into it on 1st January, it quickly becomes ‘I got plenty of time. Its only (insert month here).
3. The resolution is considered to be a complete strategy, but it is only the first step. Similar to making a decision to travel to another country. You know which country you want to visit, but you can’t book flights or accommodation, until you know what you want to see when there.
But before you write them off completely, consider this;
How often do we tell ourselves we will start next week or on Monday. The 1st of January is like the mother of all Mondays and for that alone, it can be a great motivator to finally make some changes to your life. If it can give you that push to start, then we reckon ‘go for it!’
So how can you make your resolution a success story?
First accept that your New Years Resolution is the first step in the process of setting a Goal for the year. It is the general destination you like to reach, but you still need to map the route. This process takes time so we do not recommend you try this in-between toasting in the New Year. Instead, make the first step of your journey, the actual mapping out of the path you will take to reach your destination. This may take you a day or a week or longer, to really knot it out, but the better your map, the higher the odds of you getting there.
If you are unsure how to map out your goal, we will be announcing the dates for our Goal Set and Achieve workshop in the first week of January. Why not sign up for our news letter and make sure you get first pick when the dates are announced.
We wish you a very Happy and Healthy New Year. Go ahead, toast in the New Year and announce your resolution.